What To Expect
How Our Care Works
Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth
Upper cervical chiropractic care focuses on the relationship between the structure of the body and the functional integrity of the nervous system. The upper cervical spine protects the highest neurological control center in the spine or brainstem. The nerves that originate in the upper cervical spine directly control the function of the head, eyes, ears, nose and throat. The vagus nerve, which originates in the upper cervical spine, controls many vital functions. These include the body's stress response, blood pressure and digestion.
Postural misalignments occur three-dimensionally and have both structural and neurological consequences. Every misalignment stems from a structural injury and a response to that trauma. The wisdom inside of us is busy working to maintain our upright position to minimize our three-dimensional collapse under gravitational stress and our diminishing energetic value over time.
Any interference between the brain and body may decrease healing response and contribute to disease, infirmity and sickness. At Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth, LLC, our team of upper cervical chiropractic professionals focuses on removing interference so the body can heal naturally without the use of surgery or medications.
What Is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?
Upper cervical chiropractic care focuses on correcting spinal misalignment, also called spinal subluxation. While this type of care is delivered through the cervical spine, it affects the spine as a whole.
Upper cervical care is precise and gentle and does not require the twisting and turning typically associated with traditional chiropractic care, making it ideal for sensitive patients. Upper Cervical care recognizes that there is an ideal position for the human framework. Anatomists have defined the human structure as “Tensegral”, physiologists have defined its fascial connections and function, and 25 years of research have shown the deleterious effects of bio-tensegral breakdown.
At Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth, LLC, our team of upper cervical chiropractic professionals determines the neurological and biomechanical changes that may be the underlying cause of a patient's current health challenge. The misaligned spine may interfere with the brainstem and spinal cord, leading to dysfunctional or ineffective nervous system signaling.
What Is the QSM3 Method?
Quantum Spinal Mechanics3 (QSM3), uses X-rays and postural analysis to measure spinal misalignment and determine the best way to release the postural breakdown to stimulate the body's natural healing response. It's a comfortable, safe and reliable way to realign the spine.
How Does the QSM3 Technique Work?
The upper cervical spine influences the entire spine's alignment, including the hips' rotation and tilt. The QSM3 method takes an all-encompassing approach to correct the cause of discomfort and pain, which in turn affects the entire spine. The upper cervical technique does not involve popping, twisting or snapping of the spine.
The QSM3 technique is an evidence-based approach to adjusting the upper cervical area. If the head and neck are properly positioned over the spine and pelvis, it creates a position of ease for the spinal joints and related nerves. Correcting spinal mechanics removes pressure from spinal joints and nerves, which can relieve pain and promote the healing of damaged tissues. An upper cervical chiropractic professional will use objective evaluations to track your progress throughout your healing process.
Conditions Helped Through Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care
The most common conditions helped through upper cervical chiropractic care include:
- Back and neck pain
- Disc herniations
- Pinched nerves
- Sciatica
- Poor posture
- Migraines and headaches
- Muscle weakness
- Post-concussion syndrome
- Meniere's disease and vertigo
- Sleep disturbances
- Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
- Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders
- High blood pressure
Schedule Your Initial Consultation
You can trust our chiropractors for effective and natural relief options. Schedule a consult with Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth, LLC today! You may reach us at 732-617-9355 or contact us online.
The QSM3 Approach is Gentle
A Gentle Correction a gentle touch and controlled contact on the first vertebra in the neck is designed to restore balance to the spine and nervous system. Even though the adjustment is administered at the neck, the efforts of the correction influences the whole spine and ALL body systems. This is because the QSM3 Chiropractic in Monmouth and QSM3 procedures influence one of the highest control centers of body balance and healing, the brain stem and central nervous system.
Patient Testimonials
Upper Cervical care has helped people suffering from the following conditions:
These are some of the many testimonials of patients who found relief after visiting Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth.

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280 US Highway 9 Suite E
In Cambridge Square
Morganville, New Jersey 07751
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Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8am - 12pm & 2pm - 6pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed