Dr. Larry Arbeitman, DC Speaks
What is Upper Cervical Chiropractic?
An Introduction to Upper Cervical Care (Fall 2022)
Advanced Healing Orientation
Taking Care of the One Thing: You're Health
Dr. Larry Arbeitman, DC: Advanced Healing Fall 2016
What is Upper Cervical Care?
Build a Rock Solid Immune System with Dr. Cordie
The Secret to Advanced Healing March 2015
The Secret to Advanced Healing
Dr. Arbeitman's Secret to Advanced Healing
A REAL Solution To Migraines with Dr. Larry Arbeitman - Marlboro, NJ
Patient Appreciation Dinner Fall 2014
Dr. Larry Arbeitman: Dinner with The Doc
Advanced Healing FALL 2016
Dr. Arbeitman: Upper Cervical Care Saves lives!
Dr. Larry Arbeitman, DC Lectures for Everyone
Learn the facts from Dr. Larry Arbeitman, DC & gain new insight into how to live well & feel great!
Dr. Arbeitman’s entertaining style engages audience participants while motivating and educating. Lectures can be customized to meet time requirements of your group, from 15 minutes to 50 minutes.

Everyone needs and deserves good health and well being at every stage of their life; from pregnancy, early years, student life, the working and the retired. Corporations, organizations and schools benefit from safe, healthy, and happy members.
Be part of an energizing workshop geared for your stage of life.
Live Well
Learn about stressors, how to take control of your life and take it to the next level with Dr. Larry’s simple steps to feel revitalized, restore health, and achieve “wellness” in your life.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic: An Advanced System of Healing
Dr. Larry talks about this speciality in the chiropractic profession which focuses on spinal correction without drugs, surgery, popping, twisting or cracking! Learn about the positive impact it will have on your body and life.
Turn your Stress into Success
Powerful Secrets revealed for turning stress into a positive experience! Gain a better understanding of how physical, chemical and emotional stress affects your health negatively and positively…solutions, solutions, solutions!!!
Detox with Doc
There is no escaping the chemicals and toxins to which our bodies are constantly subjected. This toxic “burden” can lead to weight gain, fatigue, pain, disease, immune problems, etc. Dr. Larry teaches you how to reduce the toxic load and naturally enhance your body’s natural detoxifying ability. Good for the whole family.

Women’s Wellness: Healthy and Happy at Every Age
Learn how hormone balance affects weight gain, energy and osteoporosis. Find out how essential lifestyle choices and supplements to support your body’s natural stages.
The Amazing 10 Keys to Longevity
Discover the factors that enable some people to live longer and healthier than others, including the most current science on aging with health and a strong quality of life.

High Blood Pressure: Natural Solutions
A research based view of high blood pressure, its causes and several approaches to lowering blood pressure naturally.
Osteoporosis and Bone Health
Osteoporosis is a “silent disease” affecting 10 million Americans, 80% of them women, who unknowingly are losing bone mass every day. Learn Prevention strategies, the many “myths” and “solutions” about building strong bones.
Spinal Health and Safety in the workplace
The amount of stress and strain placed on your spine today will have a tremendous impact on your health in the future. The Dr. provides simple solutions to keep your spine safe, reduce risk and protect yourself in your daily work routines.
“Your half-hour long workshop, “Turn Your Stress into Success,” was definitely the highlight at the Wellness Fair. You are, as expected, a well prepared, informative and charismatic speaker. Your discussion was thought provoking and engaging.” Agilysis, Inc.

Discover Hope for Healing... In this ground-breaking book by Dr. Larry Arbeitman, DC and Dr. George Gertner.
This book normally sells for $14.95, but for a limited time you can receive this book absolutely FREE.