Upper Cervical Care

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Upper Cervical Explained

The QSM3 Approach is Gentle

A Gentle Correction a gentle touch and controlled contact on the first vertebra in the neck is designed to restore balance to the spine and nervous system. Even though the adjustment is administered at the neck, the efforts of the correction influences the whole spine and ALL body systems. This is because the QSM3 chiropractic  influences one of the highest control centers of body balance and healing, the brain stem and central nervous system. Patients find the adjustment to be very comfortable. There is NO CRACKING, NO POPPING AND NO TWISTING OF THE SPINE.

Since the adjustment is so gentle, the doctors adjust children, seniors and even patients who have had spinal surgery in the past. The C-1 vertebra, also known as the Atlas, is a small donut–like bone located at the top of the spine and the base of the skull that surrounds the brain stem. When the spine is subjected to stress it can become misaligned. This phenomenon is known as the Atlas Subluxation Complex Syndrome (ASC) or ASC syndrome. Implications on Your Health: The nerves in the spinal column are very sensitive to pressure and stress. When the spine becomes misaligned sufficiently, it stresses the nerves which compromises the transmission of information between the brain and the body. Ultimately, nerve pressure will alter function throughout the entire body. For further information visit www.qsm3.com

Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth

QSM3 is based on clinical findings and current research of biomechanics and its effect on human physiology and health. This has led to a paradigm shift within the chiropractic profession and upper cervical chiropractic. We have emerged from an “articular” (bone out of place) model to a “tonal” (body out of place) model. A “body” out of place creates global tension affecting the well being of that body.

Our new understanding of the effect of gravity on the (whole) body and the ensuing tension-compression syndrome has facilitated a new methodology for corrective postural analysis and care. This “flow model”, called “cause to correction” measures and analyzes postural distortion 3-dimensionally, with the intent to release tensional asymmetries via the neuro-myofascial interconnection and to restore Tensegrity. This releases the framework and opens life’s homeostatic structural, functional, and energetic potential (Vitalism).

It is our unique interest in the cervical region as the converging hub of neuro-myofascial access and release that makes QSM3 the progressive method and organization in chiropractic today.

Watch this short video called: “What is Upper Cervical Care.”

Nerves are responsible for four primary functions: The National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association has developed a highly advanced procedure that is an extremely precise and gentle technique unlike any other kind of care. This technique is exclusively practiced by less than 1% of all chiropractors in the United States.

  • Control and regulate all vital functions including circulation, breathing, immunity and digestion.
  • Activate muscles allowing us to move.
  • Allow us to sense, perceive and feel
this is our life experiences.
  • Relate to the world outside ourselves including learning, emotions, experiencing and behavior.

Implications on Your Health The nerves in the spinal column are very sensitive to pressure and stress. When the spine becomes misaligned sufficiently, it stresses the nerves which compromises the transmission of information between the brain and the body. Ultimately, nerve pressure will alter function throughout the entire body. Nerves are responsible for four primary functions:

  • 1 Control and regulate all vital functions including circulation, breathing, immunity and digestion.
  • 2 Activate muscles allowing us to move.
  • 3 Allow us to sense, perceive and feel
this is our life experiences.
  • 4 Relate to the world outside ourselves including learning, emotions, experiencing and behavior.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth

QSM3 is Effective

Precise, Accurate Spinal Adjustments: QSM3 spinal correction depends upon precise mathematical calculations, physics and biomechanics. Laser aligned X-rays are a critical part of ensuring your spinal correction is accurate and successful. Every effort is made to keep x-ray exposure to a minimum, including the use of state-of-the-art High Frequency x-ray and various lead filters. The doctor will take both pre- and post-correction x-rays from three different angles focusing on the skull, atlas and spine. These x-rays determine the direction and degree of spinal misalignment. Using them, the doctor determines how to properly balance your spine. The initial spinal pictures help the doctor determine precisely how to make the proper correction. The post-correction pictures verify that he has indeed made the proper correction.

QSM3 Utilizes State of the Art Technology

Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth

Computerized Neurological Testing The Insight Millennium Subluxation Station is a non-invasive, painless combination of neurological tests called Thermography and Surface Electromyography. Both tests utilize surface sensors that measure nerve function. By measuring nerve function of the spinal nerves, we can assess where spinal problems are occurring and how severe the problems are. Not only is this test extremely helpful in determining where problems exist and how severe they are, but is also helpful in determining progress as a patient is undergoing care.

Diagnostics Overview

QSM3 spinal correction depends upon precise mathematical calculations, physics and biomechanics. Laser aligned X-rays are a critical part of ensuring your spinal correction is accurate and successful. Every effort is made to keep x-ray exposure to a minimum, including the use of state-of-the-art High Frequency x-ray and various lead filters. The doctor will take both pre- and post-correction x-rays from three different angles focusing on the skull, atlas and spine. These x-rays determine the direction and degree of spinal misalignment. Using them, the doctor determines how to properly balance your spine.

how effective upper cervical care as a treatment

The initial spinal pictures help the doctor determine precisely how to make the proper correction. The post-correction pictures verify that he has indeed made the proper correction. A vital part of the upper cervical chiropractic care we provide, the Insight Millennium Subluxation Station is a non-invasive, painless combination of neurological tests called Thermography and Surface Electromyography. Both tests utilize surface sensors that measure nerve function. By measuring nerve function of the spinal nerves, we can assess where spinal problems are occurring and how severe the problems are. Not only is this test extremely helpful in determining where problems exist and how severe they are, but is also helpful in determining progress as a patient is undergoing care.


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