Getting to Know Central Vertigo and Peripheral Vertigo

getting-to-know-central-vertigo-and-peripheral-vertigoPatients who are experiencing vertigo relief in New Jersey are thankful for vertigo chiropractors near Marlboro, NJ. Vertigo is not an illness but rather a symptom of an existing medical condition. It is a feeling that you or your surroundings are spinning without your control. 

For some people, vertigo may be barely noticeable. For others, it can be so severe that it would force them to sit or lie still until the whirling or rotating sensation goes away. A person struggling with his symptoms finds it hard to keep balance and do regular daily routines. Attacks may come suddenly without any warning, and vertigo may last for just a few seconds or much longer.

The following symptoms frequently accompany most central and peripheral vertigo attacks:

  • Sweating
  • Tinnitus or ringing noises in the ears
  • Problems with hearing
  • Nausea and even vomiting
  • Loss of balance – making it nearly impossible to stand still or walk straight

Different Vertigo Types

Whether vertigo is a new thing to you or have been a recurring symptom for a long time, you may want to consult your family doctor. Peripheral vertigo and central vertigo are the two main types of vertigo. These types are very familiar to a vertigo chiropractor in Monmouth as they help patients manage their episodes. Central and peripheral vertigo are very different, so it’s important to know which one you’re dealing with so you can get it corrected properly.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book How to Naturally Relieve Vertigo without Drugs by clicking the image below.

1. Peripheral Vertigo

It is the most common kind of vertigo. Peripheral vertigo is caused by problems with the balance system of the inner ear. Any of the following are the causes of such issues:

  • Vestibular Neuronitis

Vestibular neuronitis causes inflammation in the vestibular nerve. Often brought about by a viral infection, it comes on suddenly. Its symptoms include:

  • Unsteadiness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting in addition to vertigo

These symptoms may linger for a few hours or days. Sometimes, it may take up to six weeks before they calm down completely.

  • Meniere’s Disease

It is a rare condition that has vertigo as one of its primary symptoms. Also, this condition may give you a feeling of congestion in the affected ear, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Vertigo episodes may last for hours or even days. Most often, nausea and vomiting also accompany vertigo episodes.

  • BPPV – Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo

By far, BPPV is the most common form of vertigo. It frequently occurs when you move your head in a particular way, like rolling over in bed, bending over, or standing up too quickly. BPPV brings about short, recurrent, and intense attacks of vertigo, which can last for a few seconds to several minutes. Also, nausea may accompany it, but vomiting happens very rarely. You may also experience what is called nystagmus – your eyes move in jerking motions uncontrollably. 

It is most likely caused by small fragments of calcium breaking off and becoming settled in the wrong region of the ear. BPPV is frequent in individuals over the age of 50. It can happen for no apparent reason, or it can appear due to one of the following reasons:

  • Ear surgery
  • A head injury
  • An ear infection
  • Staying in bed too long due to illness
  • Labyrinthitis

It is an inner ear infection that causes a structure deep within the ear to swell. The labyrinth is composed of fluid channels that control hearing and balance. If this region endures inflammation, it can send inaccurate signals to the brain that don’t match those with the ears and eyes. Conflicting messages are what causes vertigo. You think you are spinning, but you are not. Viral infections like a cold or the flu can cause labyrinthitis. It can also be due to bacterial infections, but less common. Along with the vertigo attacks, it can also combine with vomiting, fever, hearing loss, ear pain, and tinnitus.

  • Side Effects from Certain Medication

Some medications may also cause vertigo. Check with your local pharmacist or read the information that comes with the medicine you bought to become more aware of other possible side effects it has.

2. Central Vertigo

Central vertigo is caused by issues in some parts of the brain. Brain areas include the brainstem at the lower part of the brain connected to the spinal cord or the cerebellum – near the bottom region of the brain. Central vertigo can develop due to any of the following:

It is a severe headache that is frequently causing throbbing head pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea and vomiting, and vertigo.

  • Multiple Sclerosis

It is a condition of the central nervous system (CNS)

  • Acoustic Neuroma

It is a rare, non-cancerous benign brain tumor that develops on the acoustic nerve, which is responsible for the sense of balance and hearing. 

  • TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack)

It is also known as a stroke, and it happens when blood supply is insufficient to a part of the brain

  • Brain Tumors

These tumors are near the bottom of the brain.

  • Head Injury or Trauma

Sometimes vertigo occurs after you sustained a head trauma or injury. 

Natural Care with the Help of a Vertigo Chiropractor in Monmouth

Based on the information written above about vertigo, we can conclude that it occurs due to several reasons. However, there is also one more thing commonly linked to vertigo: a misalignment in the top bones of the neck – the C1 (atlas) and C2 (axis) vertebrae.

There was a clinical study about sixty patients suffering from chronic vertigo. It showed that all of the participants had upper cervical subluxations. All sixty chronic vertigo patients responded positively to upper cervical care within one month to six months of care. Twelve of the patients had significant improvements, and the remaining forty-eight patients experienced complete resolution of their vertigo symptoms. 

What could have caused the misalignment in their upper neck area? It can be any of the following:

  • Vehicular accident
  • Sporting accident
  • Whiplash
  • Slipping and falling
  • Head and neck injury and trauma

Here at Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth, located in Monmouth, New Jersey, we will take care of you. Our upper cervical chiropractors use a technique that encourages the misaligned bones to move back into place without ever needing to pop or crack the neck or spine. Upper cervical chiropractic uses scientific measurements and precise adjustments to provide the needs of each patient. When the bones begin to realign to their correct positions, proper communication between the body and the brain may return. Thus, vertigo symptoms often improve or even go away completely.

Call our office at 732-617-9355 or send us an email to begin upper cervical care with our vertigo chiropractor in Monmouth.

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