If You’re a Busy Mom, Chiropractic Can Help with Chronic Pain and Exhaustion
Calling all burned-out moms in Monmouth County, NJ. The alarm clock rings, and it feels like you have just closed your eyes. Maybe it was another late night of catching up on work, or your sleep was interrupted by restless little ones. No matter how tired you are, you summon your strength and begin the rush of activity that won’t end until you’re back in bed tonight (hopefully!). Between work, kids, your partner, and demands of household chores and random errands, do you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel of tasks that never seems to end? Do you feel like you carry the “emotions” for your whole family?
Here at Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth, we understand the struggle. We see women who are mothers and wives, who, although they love their life and wouldn’t trade it for anything, also suffer from chronic conditions related to their hectic and hurried lives. From headaches and migraines to dizziness and neck and shoulder pain, the stress and anxiety you carry with you regularly can manifest in physical symptoms. But there is hope for your exhaustion and chronic conditions, and it doesn’t need to involve risky medications or invasive procedures.
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Mom Burnout is Associated with Physical Symptoms
Being a mother to young children can put your body to the test. It’s both physically exhausting and mentally draining, and we often hesitate to share these struggles. It must be us, we think, comparing us to other moms around us. But the truth is that many moms of young children suffer from a host of emotional, mental and physical challenges, including:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Overwhelm
- Chronic stress
- Chronic headaches
- Regular migraines
- Dizziness or vertigo
- Chronic back or neck pain
It takes a village to raise a family. These days, both parents work, and often, our family and support systems aren’t close enough to provide regular help. It’s no wonder that moms of young children often experience such symptoms. You are carrying the weight of your family’s needs on your shoulders for the long term. This “weight” can take a toll on the body. The nervous system is not meant to run in a chronic state of “fight/flight” or “exhaustion;” however, for many moms, this is everyday life. A large body of research confirms that constant stress can wear on the body and cause many symptoms and side effects.
Finding Relief: How QSM3 Chiropractic Care Can Help Exhausted Moms
Quantum Spinal Mechanics3 (QSM3) chiropractic care is a specialized form of chiropractic that focuses on gentle, precise adjustments to the upper cervical spine. This area of the spine, located in the neck region, is particularly important because it plays a key role in the body’s overall nervous system function and health.
The upper neck contains the brainstem, which contains the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic (“rest/digest/repair”) nervous system counterbalances the sympathetic (‘alarm/fight/flight”) nervous system. When the sympathetic nervous system is chronically activated, the parasympathetic nervous system is inhibited or turned down. Chronic stress results in exhaustion, whereby the stress hormones cortisol and norepinephrine become depleted, resulting in poor adaptability to stress.
Upper cervical care is one of the safest, gentlest, and most effective ways of turning the sympathetic nervous system down and allowing the body to resume its natural healing state.
A growing body of research demonstrates that adjustments to the upper cervical region stimulate this “rest and repair” portion of the nervous system. Therefore, QSM3 upper cervical care becomes a vital strategy for anyone looking to combat the effects of chronic stress and demands.
Many of us retain stress and tension in this region, particularly when anxious or overworked. In addition, small misalignments in the upper cervical spine can affect the nervous system, contributing to mood disorders, headaches, dizziness, and back and neck pain.
QSM3 uses precise spinal adjustments to help balance the region back into alignment. The adjustments’ precision and gentle mechanics make the experience comfortable and relaxing for the patients. There are no fast jarring, twisting, or turning motions with this care.
This allows the body to better respond and adapt to stress. Ultimately, it’s not the stress that undermines one’s health; it’s the body’s response or inadequate response. Caring for the misalignments, aka subluxations of the upper cervical spine, is a critical strategy to overcome the undermining effects of stress. These adjustments serve as a life enhancement tool allowing you to leverage the innate energy systems located within your central nervous system.
In turn, maintaining a parasympathetic state allows your body to better adapt to the effects of chronic stress, giving it more internal resources to heal itself.
Once proper nervous system function is restored, many patients experience relief from chronic conditions, alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression and reducing the frequency and severity of physical conditions such as headaches, dizziness, and back pain.
QSM3 chiropractic uses gentle and safe adjustments to restore proper balance and alignment to the cervical spine. At Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth, we personalize our care approach with an individualized treatment plan tailored to your needs. This begins with a thorough initial assessment identifying specific areas of concern and developing a targeted treatment plan to address these issues.
Seeking Help for Yourself Can Lead to Better Care for Your Family
As a devoted mom, you’re probably used to putting your family’s needs first. But just like in a plane emergency that advises passengers to “put your oxygen mask on first” to provide the best care to those around you, that same wisdom applies to health and wellness in general. Your family benefits from you being happy, healthy, and unimpaired by chronic pain, fatigue, and stress. Although it’s easy to procrastinate on such care, it’s crucial for you and your family to prioritize your wellness. After all, so much hinges on you being well!
As a mom, it’s easy to put your needs last, but at Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth, we focus on putting your needs first. Having someone who listens to your concerns, hears your challenges, and provides a path forward can be a transformative experience for many moms who often shoulder the needs and stressors of the entire family with little relief. Listening to your body’s needs can be the first step to healing. And when you’re well, everyone in your life benefits, particularly those who depend on you the most.
In our experience, we’ve also noticed an additional perk for families when moms come in for care. The mom may be the first in the family to enjoy the benefits of chiropractic care, but soon after, many of our patients bring their children in for pediatric wellness care. After hearing good things from mom and kids, we’ll see dads make their first appointment for chronic back and neck pain or migraines; after all, Dads get stressed too! We imagine a wife’s endorsement and seeing the difference at home convinces many husbands that their wives are on to something seeking out this type of care. We’re honored that since 2005, hundreds of families in New Jersey have trusted us with the care and wellness of their entire family.
Take the First Step to Wellness for You and Your Family
Imagine waking up without the constant aches and pains while getting out of bed. Think about how great it would be to feel energized, even during those typical afternoon slump times. Picture enjoying life and making the most out of the day without getting derailed by dizziness or a painful migraine. Imagine enjoying your evenings with your family, drifting peacefully to sleep, and awakening with energy and your natural state of vitality.
Although it can feel like your life will always be hectic and overbooked, this time is precious. Kids grow up and move out in what can feel like the blink of an eye. Why not make the most of these fleeting years without the distraction of stress, anxiety, and chronic pain? Take the first step to getting the life you’ve dreamed of. It can lead to you and your loved ones enjoying a new, more relaxed, and enjoyable way of living. It all starts with making that first appointment.

Dr. Arbeitman
Dr. Arbeitman, a trailblazing figure in Upper Cervical Chiropractic, established Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Monmouth, LLC in 2005. Dedicated to promoting holistic wellness, he has empowered countless individuals to embrace Upper Cervical Chiropractic care as an integral part of their health journey. Graduating Magna Cum Laude from Logan College of Chiropractic and holding a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiological Sciences from the University of Maryland at College Park, Dr. Arbeitman is a licensed practitioner in New Jersey who has met the rigorous standards set by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Beyond his extensive educational achievements, he has earned multiple scholarships and accolades for his academic prowess and exemplary clinical performance. Dr. Arbeitman's holistic approach encompasses spinal and nervous system care, lifestyle guidance, fitness evaluation, and nutritional expertise, all founded on the belief that the doctor-patient relationship is paramount to the healing process.