
Guide to Post-Concussion Syndrome: Tips for Coping with Post-Concussion Syndrome

Guide to Post-Concussion Syndrome: Tips for Coping with Post-Concussion Syndrome Post-concussion syndrome is a condition that often goes underestimated and misunderstood. It is a formidable challenge for those who have experienced a mild traumatic brain injury, such as a concussion. While concussions are often associated with sports-related injuries, they can happen in everyday situations, including car…
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Pain from whiplash and how to cope with it.

Guide to Whiplash and How to Cope

Guide to Whiplash and How to Cope If you or a loved one recently got in a car accident or experienced an impact some other way, you may have symptoms of whiplash. A whiplash injury can make it challenging to carry out your everyday activities or get comfortable, whether sitting in your favorite chair or…
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Bone Health 101 — Osteopenia vs. Osteoporosis

Bone Health 101 — Osteopenia vs. Osteoporosis We don’t typically consider our bone health until something goes wrong. Strong, healthy bones support our bodies and help us stay active and mobile. Bone density declines with age, meaning we should prioritize bone health even more as we get older. Taking proactive steps — such as eating…
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How to Care for Someone With Chronic Pain

How to Care for Someone With Chronic Pain

How to Care for Someone With Chronic Pain Chronic pain can be debilitating for the sufferer and heartbreaking for their loved ones. If you’re helping a friend or family member living with chronic pain, taking the right approach can make all the difference. Learn how to help someone with chronic pain with our insights and…
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8 Ergonomic Tips for Taking Care of Your Back While Working at a Desk

8 Ergonomic Tips for Taking Care of Your Back While Working at a Desk Working an office job that involves extended periods of sitting can contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle. In addition to the many risks inactivity can pose to your well-being, sitting for too long can result in back pain. Fortunately, you can take…
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Text Neck 101: Symptoms and Treatment

Text Neck 101: Symptoms and Treatment Text neck can be painful and debilitating. The condition is caused by excessive use of electronic devices, leading to symptoms like neck and shoulder pain, stiffness and headaches. These symptoms can lead to a chronic condition and result in reduced mobility. Fortunately, addressing text neck early can prevent complications…
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Chiropractor-Recommended Pillows for Back Pain

Back pain can make slumber and daily activities incredibly difficult. Your sleeping choices, including the pillow you use, may be contributing to this discomfort. If you’re wondering how to sleep when you have back pain, this guide covers some of the best pillows and other tips to relieve discomfort. What Is the Best Pillow for…
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Man experiencing chronic pain located in the neck

How Chronic Pain Impacts Your Life

If you suffer from chronic pain, you know how debilitating it can be. You may have trouble working, eating, exercising or enjoying life as you once did. Indeed, the impact of chronic pain can cast a shadow on nearly every aspect of your life, affecting your physical, psychological and social well-being. Fortunately, there are care options for…
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Chiropractor focusing on upper cervical care for a patient in their head-neck alignment

Who Can Benefit From Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care?

If you have a condition or injury that causes spinal pain, you understand how severely the discomfort can impact your quality of life. Fortunately, you may not have to live with chronic pain. With upper cervical chiropractic care, many people experience pain relief without medical interventions, shots or surgery. This gentle approach helps restore spinal…
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